Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday Funday!

So today was Day 15! It's going by so fast. I'm almost at my 21 day mark! And it does get easier. Yesterday I passed up dark chocolate m&m's and homemade cookies, and today banana pudding, the sweets from yesterday, an oreo DQ blizzard that was ordered for me and birthday cake! I'm working tomorrow, so I'm saving all the treats for then. =)

This morning I had breakfast at a meeting (bypassed the blueberry muffins) and had BBQ lunch catered in by one of the Dr.'s. Had PB&J, grapenuts, and dried fruit for dinner.

Today was a great food day, and saying "no" to the sweets today makes me look forward to them that much more for tomorrow.

I also have been walking on my lunch breaks this week since the weather has finally cooled off a bit. I used to be "the walker" the last 2 years at school, but I had my friend who always came with. We would catch up on girl talk, and this and that. Anyhow, it can be relaxing every now and then, but definitely not as much fun to walk by yourself everyday. Too bad I work with a bunch of lazies. It makes it very hard to recruit a buddy, even with this cheerleader attitude of mine.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Maybe I was wrong..

At least I can admit it. I think, yes even I, may have overreacted.. just a bit. I don't believe that he is mad at me, but rather the whole world today. That I can take.

We may be moving soon. Kate, get ready for yet another one. It makes me literally sick to keep up with the number of places I have lived over the last 9 years. Bleh.

On a lighter note, I simply cannot wait until my S-days this weekend. PMS is out in full force today and I'm having to beat her off with a stick.

Also, this weekend I am volunteering at the Ford Warrior Wear booth at the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure event. Go Mom and all of my patients!!!!!

For your homework tonight, check out

Tomorrow morning I get to go to Tumor Boards! Woot Woot! I am such a geek! I love to sit around at a roundtable with Dr.'s though from all different fields of medicine bouncing ideas off of each other. I just sit back like a fly on the wall in awe. Oh, how I wish tomorrow were an S-day so I could partake in the breakfast of sweets. Surely there will be something there for me though. Maybe a bagel and juice???

So not good..

This may be our first argument. Technically, we have not argued but the tension is killing me. We have to talk. I feel so lost. I don't want to offend/annoy/irritate/set him off..

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Leftover chicken

Due to an enormous amount of leftover meat from the football party, I have become very creative in coming up with meals to get rid of said leftovers. My favorite so far was a chicken salad, complete with cubed chicken, lite mayo, craisins, and chopped pear. Oh yes, and lots of black pepper. Delish.

My other new fave are Welch's individually packaged dried fruit bits. I'm usually not big on pre-packaging, but I get bored with a giant bag of the same old dried fruit. This has a couple packs of berries, a couple tropical, and some mixed fruit. And the packets are the perfect size to complement a meal and nix that sweets craving.

Ok, so I sound like an advertisement.. oh well. =)

Great news last night! Mom's node biopsy came back negative! Hopefully we can start treatment soon. What a relief!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Obedience, Habit, call it what you will. "Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments." I work at a Catholic hospital and the calendar has a daily quote/scripture/what have you. Most days I read them and ponder them for a bit. Some stay with me longer than others. Today's really stuck. I saw it in a whole new "NOS" light if you will. I have seen discipline help me to achieve pretty much anything I have ever been successful in. Looking back, that was the key ingredient in every major accomplishment in my life. I need to remember that more often during my weak moments.

Oh, and today I had plenty of them! 2 birthdays in the department! Worked with a pregnant girl and another self declared PMS'ing girl today. AKA snackaholics. Seconds were the only thing that didn't really tempt me, but even those did a bit. I have been craving sweets all day. I know my body does not need them, or any other food right now. I have fed it healthy, protein-filled declicious meals today. I should not be hungry.

I too am 1 week prior to my visitor and maybe that is what is testing me. Who knows... All I do know, is that coffee has been my lifesaver today. I'm about to drink my 3rd cup and it's nearly 6pm so that's not too bad. It has helped me in my weakest moments today though.

I keep thinking about the brownies in my freezer and how I want to make oatmeal scotchies and keep them in the freezer. This weekend is going to be so S-weet!

Keep reminding myself. It will be worth the wait.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Awesome Weekend

To say that I was extremely stressed Friday was an understatement. Saturday morning was a little less, and Saturday afternoon... well I definitely relaxed. I can't believe I even stressed at all. T took care of everything, as usual. I came home to a quiet, clean home that smelled of heavenly BBQ and all the fixin's. Friends joined us later and I actually had a couple beers and a nice lemonade/cherry vodka cocktail. Yum!

Sunday was great, because I woke up after a 12 hour slumber! Go me! Then we had breakfast, showered, and took the bike out on our best ride yet. Stopped by a friends to watch a game, shared a banana split on the way home, and hung out on the couch the rest of the night. I love him.

NOS was awesome as well this weekend. I had some brownies from the previous weekend that I wrapped up and stored in the freezer, some of the banana split, a chai tea latte, and some PB truffles. So content =)

Much like Blue, I was relieved to have a Monday N Day. It felt good to have that rhythm back.

This is very choppy, I know. In all, today was the best day I can remember in a looong time. Thanks be to God, for starting the day off right with a kiss from my hunny and a gorgeous sunrise.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Day 9

Today is Day 9 on NOS. This last week has been absolutely ridiculously hectic. Between phonecalls with Mom, her nurse, Dr., sister, Dad, etc..... Working, tests at school, T working extra jobs, hardly any sleep..... and to top it all off, we are hosting the football game at our house. Thank goodness for NOS! We are having chili, chicken, pork tenderloin, steaks, meatballs, bbq weenies, queso dip, free flowing beer and vodka w/ mixers...... yea. I'm going to partake in a bit, but really don't want too much of it. I'm sure there will be plenty of leftovers and I have already enjoyed my S day at work today. I have had brownies that I made last weekend and waited for me all week in the freezer, and some PB Lindt truffles and coffee. Oh, I had a chai tea latte this morning as well. Yea, I'm going a bit overboard right now, but I'm still on plan and still losing, so I guess I'm just getting this excess out of the way. I already feel like I am overeating and crave a good hunger. I wasn't used to eating 3 meals a day.

Started at 127 last Friday. That was my highest in probably 3 years...... At least. But I am back on bc pills, and have played with 3 different hormone levels this year alone. My body is probably pissed at me. I was 104 on New Years Day 2008... Moving out/Breaking up.... Moving In/New Relationship... Finishing X-Ray School... Starting Radiation Therapy School... Mom's Diagnosis.... It's all taken quite a toll.

Blah. Blah.

Going to do some work now.